We have met in March 2022 to discuss and kick-off the project activities. The aims of the meeting were :
- To create common understanding of thematic areas of the project
- To divide the tasks regarding to IOs
- To create a road map for the development of the IOs
- To plan the training activity with young people and prepare the call for participants for the TC with young people
- To plan the training methodology for young people
- To set up a monitoring and evaluation plan for the each activity in the project
- To inform and discuss about the contractual duties in the project to INJUVE
- To share about the contractual documents which are necessary for interim and final report
- To decide on the communication and dissemination strategy
- To share about the challenges and monitoring and evaluation of the project steps
- To discuss and set up budget distribution and practicalities related to project activities
As a result of the meeting, we have developed the partnership agreement and we have discussed about the advancements of the activities with the project partners. Each partner have agreed on the implementation process of the international and national activities and we have finalised the meeting.
In addition to that, during this meeting, we have implemented Opening Day with the local stakeholders in Spain to promote the project activities.