Ni-Ni and Yo-Yo : Youth Trajectories and Dilemma of Social Welfare Systems in Southern Europe National Conference and Documentary Screening targeted young people, youth policy makers, academics and politicians. The event multiplied the project results with the outer audience as well as used as advocacy purposes. The activities in each country involved keynote speakers from the political parties who are willing to involve as well as the relevant stakeholders in each country to present the results of the project and engaged in lobbying activity and initiate as well as a policy dialogue and reinforced the links between the research, youth work practitioners and youth policy makers.
During these activities, the organisations presented the outputs, received feedback and promoted the project outcomes to the relevant stakeholders. It helped us to promote the project and multiply the results developed within, to the outer audience.
The events were implemented in between November – December 2023 with the involvement of over 200 people in the participating countries.



