The training activity was implemented in Giresun, Turkey for 5 day period with the involvement of 20 youth workers and 3 trainers in March 2023. During the implementation of the training activity, the trainers implemented workshops concerning the training development, lobbying, human rights of youth and will present the outputs that developed and receive feedback. The idea behind the implementation of the training activity was to engage youth workers to the lobbying process in their own countries. The methodology of the training was developed during the development of the IO2 : Human Rights for Youth and Tackling with Denied Youth Citizenship : Methods for Youth Workers in Southern Europe and the aim of the training was to test the methods developed and share the experience with the other youth workers in the process. One night during the training, the video-series were shown the participants to receive feedback prior to make available for the outer audience online with an aim to receive feedback.
The goals of the activity :
- To make the youth workers aware about the issues concerning the social welfare structures
- To qualify the youth workers as lobbyers to involve in the advocacy activity and make them aware about the issues of young people
- To quality the youth workers as trainers in the field of Human Rights of Youth and Implications of the Social Welfare Assistance in the lives of young people
- To create a network of qualified youth workers to implement activities with young people
- To make youth workers engage with the policy makers in their own countries
- To receive feedback on the outputs developed during the implementation of the project
Methodology of the training :