Research, Training and Policy Development

The project envisages implementing research on the issues of youth and their social rights from Portugal,Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey and plans to develop new policies and promote them through social media and face-to-face lobbying activities with the politicians.


The Voices of Young People and Youth Trajectories in Southern Europe will be developed in 6 months period in two steps. Firstly, the desk research will be implemented in two months with the involvement of all partners and indicators for the research will be developed concerning the social welfare systems, human rights of youth ( housing, health, education, employment and participation ) and their autonomy during their youth trajectory. After the development of the indicators, the research will be initiated with the face to face questionnaire study which will be implemented with the involvement of 1000 people ( 200 people per country ) and qualitative study will be implemented with 50 people in 5 focus group meetings ( 10 people per meeting and per country ).  The need behind the development of the policy recommendations in the specific areas are identified due to structures in the countries.

We will try to find answers within this report :

  • How the welfare systems in Southern Europe affects in the lives of young people?
  • What are the root causes of prolonged youth, NEETs and denied youth citizenship?
  • How do young people identify with themselves, their fellow citizens and their engagement with those that influence and make decisions that affect their daily lives?
  • What are young people’s hopes and aspirations and the challenges and obstacles in achieving them?

Structure of the Report :

  • Theoretical Framework on Southern Europe Welfare Structures
  • Research Report
  • Policy recommendations


Description :

Human Rights for Youth and Tackling with Denied Youth Citizenship: Methods for Youth Workers in Southern Europe will be developed right after the implementation of the research study.  The social welfare assistance and social welfare structure issue are not well-known by the youth work practitioners, but it is the mainstream topic in the area of youth studies in an academic environment. Thus, to reinforce the links between the academic environment as well as youth policymakers and youth practitioners, mainstreaming the knowledge through a training activity would be the main tool to increase the knowledge of the youth workers on the very issue of the social welfare assistance.

The training development is another tool to increase the knowledge of the youth workers and qualify them as multipliers, as well as lobbyers in the field of youth, will be the aim of the output.  On the other hand in the handbook, we will develop the best practice study among the projects implemented in EU to inspire the youth workers would benefit from the output.


Each organisation will involve in the lobbying process with the politicians in their own country. As none of the organisations are based in the cities neither Central nor the regional governments based, they will use the project management to make travels to the respective cities in their own countries to engage with the politicians. This might be implemented through phone calls, online meetings or face to face meetings although, it is one of the bedrock activities of the project for the success. We expect that each participating organisations meets with 5 parliamentarians to discuss about the policy recommendations through the project cycle and make them take an action in the parliamentary.

The target group these activities will be the politicians from the central government and regional governments. The organizations will meet with these policy makers directly and engage with them to invite the activities taking place as multiplier events and make them face to face dialogue with them. The activities will take place in an informal arrangements and their structure will be decided during the first transnational meeting and along the online meetings for the cooperation purposes through out the project.

The objective of these meetings is to increase the outreach of the project meanwhile making the politicians engage in the dialogue with youth workers and partner organisation representatives and making them involve in the multiplier events taking place in the cities of the participating organisations.