
Asociación Socio-Cultural VerdeSur Alcalá

Asociación Socio-Cultural VerdeSur Alcalá is by group of professionals working in the field of youth who would like to create a social change in town of Alcala while focusing on the young people and involving the young people, teachers and educator to the mobility activities as well as the local socio-cultural activities through its partnerships and its offers. 

The association is supported by the local municipality and it is based on the youth building of Alcala la Real where has a very diverse enviroenment with a great historical trayectory where it can bring too many opportunites for events and social activities for young people and local population. 

Since November 2019, we have been promoting mobility opportunities as well as to increase the participation of local community to the mobility programs through adult education and educational opportunities for youth. 

In addition to activities mentioned below, we have been implementing activities for the teachers for quality education purposes in the field of school and adult education since the start of 2021 as a new branch that we decided to widen our scope and use the experience that we have gathered in the youth field and become more and more inclusive and involve more professionals to in our body to promote quality activities for different sectors.

GAP Gençlik Derneği       

GAP Youth Association, provides training and mobility opportunities for the young people in Şanlıurfa and GAP ( Southeastern Anatolia Project Region ) and operates in local, national and international levels since 2012. Since 2012, we have been working as a Eurodesk Local Information Point for the young people to increase their involvement to the Youth programs in EU and neighbouring countries through European Union Programs as well as the other programs concerning Youth. In addition to that, since our establishment in 2012, we have been developing partnerships with the youth organizations in EU an neighbouring countries to provide programs for the young people from living in Şanlıurfa, South East Turkey and a broader aspect nationally.

Since 2014, after the increase of the refugee population, we started to work with the refugees and providing activities also for the refugees and we are working in the field of legal counselling to refugees to increase their access to the social welfare system. Our general target group is the young people with the age between 18-30 but our focus target group is young people with fewer opportunities such as economical, social and educational and as well the Syrian refugees in Şanlıurfa district. Our geographical reach is all-over Turkey with a focus of South-Eastern and Eastern Anatolia region, due to our national networks and involvement in several activities we have a big network to reach out young people outside of our area.


Experimentaculo is a youth organisation established in Setubal, Portugal in 2006. The organisation implements various programmes aimed at empowering young people and supporting their activism in the local community of Setubal. The main areas of work are youth mobility, youth entrepreneurship, art and culture. Experiment culo organises diverse activities based primarily on non-formal education methods and active participation of young people. An important part of the work of the organisation is organising international youth exchanges and trainings, as well as sending and hosting volunteers within European Voluntary Service (EVS) and European Solidarity Corps.

The organization has a lot of experience in the fields of youth, non formal education and research locally and at a European level. As a partner in this specific project, Experimentaculo will actively participate in all project activities, including planning, implementation, dissemination of project results among local communities and international professional networks, public meetings with international partners, etc. We will play an active role in the recruitment of volunteers, provide their pre-departure training, arrange their insurance and full support before, during and after the project, also ensuring that all reporting in completed.

We have implemented several youth exchanges and training courses related to art field specifically theatre and short-movies. With three experienced project managers on the team, a supportive administrative team, Experimentaculo is able to cope with the high level of multilateral project management required for a project of this depth.

Beyond Borders ETS

Beyond Borders is a cultural association legally established in July 2014 in Puglia, Italy. Since its inception, the organization has actively pursued its core objectives, including youth work, promoting the mobility of young people, non-formal and intercultural learning, active citizenship, youth empowerment, respect for Human Rights, and the promotion of European culture and social inclusion. The association’s main activities are closely aligned with these objectives, focusing on youth engagement in active project development at various levels. Though based in Puglia, most of its work is concentrated in the cities of Corato and Orta Nova. The organization’s core activities are structured around three main pillars: Erasmus+ actions and international projects, local workshops, and organizing campaigns and infodays to promote its objectives. Utilizing non-formal methodologies, Beyond Borders aims to enhance young people’s competencies, stimulate their creativity and growth, and activate their participation in society. The organization has continually evolved, expanding and innovating its projects at both local and international levels, with a central goal of facilitating youth mobility while promoting non-formal education, intercultural learning, Human Rights, and active citizenship.

Beyond Borders primarily targets young people between the ages of 16 and 35 in the local area, focusing on empowering them and broadening their perspectives. By providing opportunities, the association seeks to help young people enrich their communities through personal and professional development. A significant part of their target group includes youth facing obstacles due to geographical, educational, cultural, and social challenges, who have fewer opportunities and lower employability chances. In 2016, Beyond Borders officially joined both the No Hate Speech Movement of the Council of Europe and the Coordinating Group of No Hate Speech Italy, becoming actively involved in defending and respecting Human Rights online and offline. The same year, they joined the Hate Fighters Network, which works internationally on combating hate speech through creative methods like photography, videography, and music. Since 2018, the organization has been collaborating with the Non-profit volunteering organization “Pro Loco” of Orta Nova, part of the UNPLI, to improve the quality of life in the local area and promote cultural, environmental, and historical heritage. Additionally, between 2015 and 2018, Beyond Borders partnered with the University of Bari Aldo Moro, hosting around 15 students from the Intercultural Mediation program for academic traineeships.

GO Alive

“GO Alive” is a youth NGO established in January 2020, located in the city center of Kozani in Western Macedonia, Greece. The organization’s values, vision, and aims focus on the educational, professional, cultural, and mental empowerment of young people, particularly those with fewer opportunities due to social, economic, or geographical obstacles. It strives to enhance their skills and competences, facilitating their active citizenship, employment, and smooth transition into the job market. GO Alive supports the mobility of young volunteers, trainees, and employees, promotes youth work and initiatives, and emphasizes mindfulness, self-awareness, well-being, and a balanced lifestyle, with a focus on prevention and active aging. The organization also spreads the values of volunteerism, freedom, democracy, human rights, gender equality, social inclusion, and solidarity. It champions the European ideal by fostering cooperation among different social groups and nationalities, aiming to create a better future for European youth. Additionally, GO Alive promotes the European Youth Card, youth mobility, non-formal learning, and education, while developing action plans against poverty, unemployment, and social marginalization, especially for vulnerable groups. The organization is also committed to upgrading the quality of life and protecting the social and natural environment, fostering social entrepreneurship, research, specialization, and innovation.

“GO Alive” began its official operations in January 2020, just before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization was formed by members of the informal youth group “Greek Odysseuses,” who had been active in youth empowerment since 2017. The NGO was established as a result of the Transnational Youth Initiative “GO Alive” under the European Erasmus program, which aimed to develop mindfulness, promote leadership initiatives, and ultimately foster community building. Since its inception, GO Alive has implemented various activities, including local workshops on mindfulness and leadership in Siatista, Greece, which featured guided meditation, active listening, and local development committees. The organization has also conducted sport activities, hiking trips, and environmental protection and recycling events to build community in Siatista. Furthermore, GO Alive has organized online experiential seminars on mindfulness and leadership for individuals across Western Macedonia, as well as youth meetings in Katerini to promote solidarity and social integration of refugees through poetry. Additionally, the NGO completed a solidarity project focused on mindful career orientation for young people aged 17-30 in Katerini, Larissa, and Kozani, helping them with personal development, stress management, and balancing professional and personal life. GO Alive is also a partner in numerous international Erasmus+ projects, focusing on healthy lifestyles, youth empowerment, and sustainability, and has recently implemented the first part of the European Solidarity Corps project on developing mindful leadership skills for Civil Society Organization leaders.