Stories of Young People

Stories from Young People in Southeastern Europe is developed as an interactive resources and consists of 22 videos of young people from Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Portugal. The young people reflect their issues concerning to the social rights ( education, health, housing, employment, participation ).

The videos were developed by technicians ( professionals concerning the video editing and development ) and each country has interviewed 4-5 young people for 30 minutes process. The videos were developed in country languages and subtitles were developed in English. In addition to that, the stories were put all together in a documentary format in one single video. The videos was used as a public awareness campaign and structure to reach out the policymakers and youth workers as well as the young people in Southern Europe to create awareness among the issues of the social welfare systems and make them initiate for change of the structures.

Here you can access the videos for each country with captions in English.